Profile PictureThomas Daniels

"In Your Face Tennis Home Study Course"

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"In Your Face Tennis Home Study Course"



“Are you tired of choking under pressure in your tennis matches”?

If so, please keep reading.

 “The In Your Face Tennis Home Study Course”, is going to help you get mentally stronger in weeks!!

Then you will be able to win more matches, instead of choking in them.

Imagine how that would feel.

Never forget that.

It all comes down to this.

You have to know what game you are REALLY playing in YOUR tennis matches.

(And it ain't tennis, YOU are playing the mental game!!).

That being the case.

You have to understand that all tennis competition.

Is all MENTAL.

This means that...

Once you start competing in tennis matches consistently.

“You will not be playing tennis at some point, and you will start playing the mental game.”

You should write this down too.

(Because your results in your competitive career will be determined by how well you learn how to play the mental game)!!

This is also where most tennis players unconsciously think themselves into slumps and never recover from THEM.

My message to you here is simple... 

“You can never take your mental game for granted”.

During a match.

One point you may have it, then the next you may not have it.

One game you may have it, then the next you won't.

This is where IYFT comes in.

After you are done with this home study course.

You will know you to develop moment to moment self-mastery, which will help you play and execute your strategies better in matches.

This is what you will get in this home study course...

 IYFT the e-book

This e-book will show you how to play in the ideal in your mind until you can do it for real in your matches!!

   The Warrior Tennis Report - 

I would advise you to print and copy this report and carry it around in your tennis journal, so you can refer back to it as often as you like.

30 Warrior Tips For Match Play e-book-

“This is personally my favorite book...because it's written in a no fluff, no BS style. Just backed with warrior tips that can help you take your mental game to another level!!”

 And you also get the audio version of ( The Mental Keys To Playing The Mental Game).

In this audio.

You will learn how to master your emotions, so you can start dominating any opponent that you face in matches!!

In all tennis competition, it's the battle of the minds.

And the player who is mentally stronger will always win.... in the end.

One more thing I forgot to say is that.

Many of you guys who are reading this letter… are spending way too much time, on mechanics and techniques in practice.

Let the reps take care of all that for YOU, because they have ALL that covered.

“Refocus 80 % of your energy and time on building, a more solid mental game for high-level competition in your matches.”

You should write that statement down too!!

Because the reality of the situation is this.

(The mental game takes no prisoners, and all the top players can relate to this fact in competition.)

My best tennis coach once told me the following words, after a tough loss one time.

“In tennis, you are only as good as your mental game is........ on that given day, so never take yours for granted Thomas.”

Yeah, you may need to write that down too!!

Now let me ask this last question.

Wouldn't you love to start dominating those players who are beating you, in weeks?

Okay then.

Get this home study course and start implementing the warrior strategies in it!!

I can promise you this.

And YOU can take this to the bank.

By developing an IYFT mindset, you will never FEEL like a loser again!!

Okay, thanks for taking the time to read my letter and I look forward to talking to you more on the inside my friend!!


Order now and I will also send you a paperback copy of my book “In Your Face Tennis” and Mushin Tennis” from Amazon.

After you buy, send me an email with the transaction number and your address attach to it and I will send you your copies ASP!!


“Look, since you read this far, it's very clear that you are ready to take your mental game to another level and that you are tired of losing to players that you feel you should be beating”.

So, just click “I Want This” so we get started turning your whole career around in weeks...


I wanted to let you guys know that we just added the (Complete Guide For Competitive Tennis Player and You Are Not Playing Tennis, You Are Playing The mental game) e-book, which is selling like crazy on Amazon as I write this!!!

Also, you will get the e-book... You Are Not Playing Tennis, You Are Playing The Mental Game!

Valued at $40!!


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